
How to Perform Compliance Audit

There are few things more important for a business than being compliant. The rules of compliance are designed to allow the entire business world run smoothly and be free from dangers that could hurt the public, employees and even businesses themselves. Ensuring compliance is not simply about avoiding penalties, it’s also about showing to the public that your business is committed to a fair and healthy society. The Compliance Audit Services is a crucial function in ensuring this compliance. This article will explain exactly how a compliance audit is performed.  What Is A Compliance Audit  A compliance audit is an investigative action that enables you to build a robust evaluation of how your retail store complies with various mandated requirements. It is typically done through a series of well thought out and individualized questions that are answered throughout the audit. The audit is incredibly detailed and allows you to understand every aspect of your store from labels to th...

Are Internal Store Audit UK Beneficial?

If you are operating a store or even chain of stores, of course you are going to want to know what is on the shelves and what you have to sell your customs. You might think that this is a fairly easy task – you have invoices for what you have purchased, and this should match with what customers have purchased form you. But audits have evolved to become more than just a counting process and can be used for all manner of reasons.  Retail audits These are regarded as the simplest of audits and are, generally, an exotic stock check which may be balanced against what has left the shelves in a legitimate way. As a side interest, an audit of this nature can also highlight how much stock has also left in less legitimate way. Retail audits can be used to understand how much theft is going on in your store and can be a pointer towards how much digital surveillance you need to be running and – maybe more importantly – where you should concentrate such devices.  Of course, not everything...

How to Increase Footfall in Retail and Boost Sales After the Coronavirus Lockdown

There is little doubt that the Coronavirus pandemic has played havoc with much of the retail industry. Unless you are in essential items like food or cleaning products, and have been allowed to stay open, it will have been a struggle. But, one day, it will end, or at least undergo a sufficient control to allow us to return to some normality, and when that happens, how can you entice shoppers back in?  One this is very likely; we are probably going to see more medical emergencies of this nature in the future, and the lessons that we have learnt now will serve us well if something nasty occurs. We have had to get used to social distancing, and less people in our stores, and that generally equates to lower revenues, but we are in business to make money, and unless we increase profit margin, we need to increase footfall.  Getting more people into a Retail Store Compliance Audits safely can represent a significant problem, but planning your store appropriately can go a long way to...